which of the following is a risk associated with taking performance-enhancing drugs

These risks and consequences can’t be ignored, as they have the potential to cause long-term damage to the body and even be life-threatening. Therefore, individuals should carefully consider the potential health risks before deciding to use performance enhancing drugs to enhance their body composition. By enhancing the body’s ability to build muscle and recover from intense workouts, PEDs can help athletes achieve greater levels of strength and power. The increased muscle mass and improved strength can lead to improved performance in various sports, such as weightlifting, sprinting, and contact sports. Gene doping refers to the use of nucleic acid sequences (delivered either as naked DNA or through viral vectors) and/or normal or genetically modified cells to enhance sports performance (385, 404, 405).

which of the following is a risk associated with taking performance-enhancing drugs

Human Growth Hormone (hGH)

Direct detection of https://ecosoberhouse.com/ blood transfusions and ESAs (erythropoietin, novel erythropoiesis stimulating protein darbepoetin alpha, and continuous erythropoietin receptor activator) is often difficult. This type of monitoring is referred to as the Athlete Biological Passport. With this information, athletes can either be sanctioned directly based on their profile or targeted with conventional doping tests. Both the International Cycling Union and other federations that have implemented the Passport to target athletes for the presence of ESAs have reported a reduction of blood doping among their athletes (397). AASs may affect the immune system (342), the lungs (343), and possibly other organ systems (18) and might cause acne (344), although knowledge in these areas remains limited.

VII. Adverse Health Effects of PEDs

Learn more about the effects that performance-enhancing drugs can have on health. The pressure to win leads some athletes to use drugs that might give them an edge. There are dangers to the athlete’s physical health, a loss of reputation, loss of sponsorship deals, and a loss of income. For an elite athlete the dangers of performance enhancing drug use should be enough to deter them from use. One of the benefits of performance enhancers is their ability to enhance the body’s ability to repair and rebuild damaged tissues.

B. Human GH

Whether testosterone at physiologic levels reduces or exacerbates which of the following is a risk associated with taking performance-enhancing drugs neuronal injury in males remains unresolved (403). One emerging hypothesis is that endogenous androgens may be harmful during the acute phase of ischemic brain injury but can have beneficial effects during recovery. Even so, it is unclear how this may translate to the elevated levels of androgens characteristic of AAS use. Under these circumstances, the cellular targets and mechanisms of action may be substantially different from the effects at normal physiologic levels. Erythropoietin is a glycoprotein hormone that regulates red cell production. It is produced by the peritubular interstitial fibroblasts of the kidney and the perisinusoidal cells in the liver.

which of the following is a risk associated with taking performance-enhancing drugs

In addition, the probability for highly aggressive behaviors was maintained for the AAS-treated rats throughout the study, whereas it was decreased for the placebo-treated rats. These observations are similar to the relatively long-term behavioral changes we see in humans after AAS use. The estimates of the prevalence of AASs, cocaine, heroin, and amphetamine use among 12th-grade students from the Monitoring the Future study.

  • The pressure to win leads some athletes to use drugs that might give them an edge.
  • Performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) have become a controversial topic, serving as both a catalyst for improved performance and a source of ethical debate.
  • In the small subgroup of PED users who are elite athletes, WADA most commonly detects testosterone, stanozolol, and nandrolone, and the highest prevalence of positive tests occur in bodybuilding, power lifting, weightlifting, boxing, and kickboxing.
  • Testosterone is metabolized rapidly in the body; however, esterification of the 17β-hydroxyl group renders the molecule more hydrophobic.

Designer Steroids

which of the following is a risk associated with taking performance-enhancing drugs

These often start with visible changes, including acne, shrinking testicles, and breast tissue development in men, and the development of an Adam’s apple and additional body hair in women. Continued use can cause the body to stop producing hormones naturally and lead to organ enlargement, stunted growth, liver damage, and fertility issues. Moreover, natural testosterone levels may never recover, making the consequences of doping irreversible. Side effects may also be psychological, with testosterone often being connected to increased aggressiveness because it impacts the brains subcortical structures in the amygdala and the hypothalamus. As with any anabolic steroid use, withdrawal from testosterone use may lead to depression, and even suicide.

which of the following is a risk associated with taking performance-enhancing drugs

Drug Detection in Doping Control

  • However, caffeine can also cause diarrhoea and disrupt sleep patterns.
  • A cluster of up to 20 deaths among Dutch and Belgian cyclists in the late 1980s led to speculation that rHuEPO may have been involved.
  • Doping with erythropoietin may raise the risk of serious health problems.
  • Studies have linked community-acquired MRSA colonization and soft tissue infection with competitive sports participants (298).

In adults with GH deficiency, rhGH replacement restores muscle strength toward normal over several years, but even after 3 years, the muscle strength in these persons is well below that of healthy controls. Impaired exercise capacity in GH-deficient individuals, as measured by the VO2max method, increased virtually to the level in healthy controls after rhGH replacement. Human GH is a metabolic hormone in adults with fused epiphyses of the long bones. Most of these findings of hGH deficiency are reversed by recombinant hGH (rhGH) replacement, although restoration may take months to a few years and might not be complete (367).

Since the 2000 Olympics, WADA has used a combination of biochemical and hematologic tests to detect recombinant erythropoietin. The biochemical tests on urine are based on the differences in the electrophoretic mobility of recombinant erythropoietin and endogenous human erythropoietin, Sobriety reflecting differences in glycosylation patterns and the isoelectric point. An isoelectric focusing method separates the isoforms of erythropoietin, which are detected using double immunoblotting chemiluminiscence (390, 391).